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Small business Guide: Leveraging LinkedIn as a Small Business

Every business professional is now aware of LinkedIn. If you’re looking to reconnect with old friends or launch a career, LinkedIn is a must-have tool. LinkedIn is mostly known as a professional networking platform, but it may also be used as a low-cost and effective tool for expanding a small business. Today, we’ll examine several strategies for making the most of your LinkedIn network and the features it provides for marketing small small businesses.

Build Brand Awareness

Making sure that people are aware of who your brand is and what you do is essential if you want to achieve the most returns on your social strategy. This technique may appear to be an obvious tactic; nonetheless, making sure that people are aware of who your brand is and what you do is critical. Make content that explains why you started your business or what it stands for.

A vital talent that makes it much simpler for potential followers to get into your cause is the ability to express what your company stands for in a way that is clear and straightforward. Maintaining regularity in both the frequency and nature of your updates is also essential to the success of this strategy. Don’t ignore LinkedIn for the next month and a half, and if you do, attempt to make up for it by posting 6 times in a single week. Create engaging content and share it frequently to improve your brand’s reputation in customers’ eyes.

Network, Network, Network

When you create a company page, LinkedIn allows page administrators to ask up to 100 contacts to like the page each month. It’s as simple as clicking a button and choosing who to invite. When a contact chooses to like your page, an invitation is added to your tally. Using this method with a responsive audience means you may increase your page’s traffic by the hundreds of percent per month without paying a thing. This also necessitates having a large personal network, therefore build personal relationships! Potential contacts may respond more positively if they see an invitation with a professional title such as “Founder” or “Owner.”

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Join Relevant Groups

LinkedIn offers groups for just about any industry, which serve as a forum for similar business people to discuss ideas and share advice. There are many groups tailored specifically to small businesses, such as LinkedIn has groups for practically every field, where professionals in the same line of work can network and exchange insights. LinkedIn Small Business Innovators and The Entrepreneur and Small Business Forum, are just two examples of the many niche groups available to small business owners. Joining one of these groups will help you reach a larger audience and gain access to expert advice that can propel your business to the next level.. Consider joining these groups to not only grow your audience, but learn valuable strategies that can help take your business to the next level.

Create a Campaign

After you’ve exhausted the no-cost strategies we have discussed and are ready to allocate some of your advertising revenue to LinkedIn, we suggest launching an InMail Campaign. With these initiatives, you can communicate with a target demographic specifically and in real-time. Because the communications are sent from your account, they reflect your individuality. You may promote your website with one of these InMail campaigns for roughly a quarter each message. On top of that, LinkedIn provides useful data for tracking the success of your campaign.

Thinking about marketing your small business on LinkedIn but not sure how or where to get started? Drop us a message or schedule a call with our LinkedIn marketing experts for a free marketing consultation.

Macy is a Marketing Copywriter with a B.A. in Professional Writing and Editing from West Virginia University. She enjoys learning about and synthesizing the latest industry Social Media and marketing trends. When away from her desk, you'll find her taking pictures of her cat, listening to music, or reading.

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